
country folk 鄉下人;同國人,同胞。

country house

The overseas country folk are patriotic and have deep feelings for the motherland . in the 20 years since reform and opening , the money and material they have donated have amounted to hk $ 4 . 5 billion ; of the accumulated foreign fund - - u . s . $ 6 billion - - in actual employ , the their investment makes up a fairly large proportion 祖籍江門五邑的廣大海外鄉親愛國愛鄉,桑梓情深,改革開放20多年來,捐資贈物總值達45億港元;在全市累計實際利用外資60億美元中,他們的投資占了很大的比重。

It was in the city that man was liberated from the tyranny of the soil and could develop skills , learn from other people , study , teach and develop the social arts that made country folk seem bumpkins 城市中的人們從土地苛政中解放出來并不斷提升自身技能,向他人獲取新知,學習、講授和社交藝術的進步使農村的鄉巴佬相形見拙。

But the country folk , if you ask them , would swear on the bible that he walks : there are those who speak to having met him near the church , and on the moor , and even in this house 但是如果你問起鄉里的人們,他們就會手按著圣經起誓說他還在走來走去:有些人說見過他在教堂附近,在曠野里,甚至在這所房子里。

My only e - mails were from americans , none of whom i had ever met , and mostly saying they would pray for me and all my country folk , and asking if i was safe 我收到的電子郵件都來自美國,都是些我從來沒有見過面的人發來的,大多說會為我,為我的同胞們祈禱,還有人問我是否平安。

In dai minority villages , country folk receive guests in their bamboo homes with hot and sour dishes complemented by ice - cold beer that cools you to the quick 在傣家風味城村,農戶都在自家的竹樓里招待客人,酸酸辣辣的口感配上冰鎮啤酒會讓你爽到骨頭里。

But ning hao s wry sense of irony is intact , tackling the sheer folly of country folks and their close encounter with the civilization outside 憑《香火》 ( 28屆數碼錄像金獎)揚威國際的寧浩,這回將鏡頭深入內蒙。

We live with the country folks 我們和村民住在一起

We live with the country folks 我們和村民住在一起。

They are just simple country folk 他們只不過是普通的村民

They are just simple country folk 他們只不過是普通的村民。

Us poor country folk how well you 給我們這些鄉下人將你有多杰出